Yellow is a star.
Yellow is the sun.
Yellow is the moon,
When the day is done.
Orange is an orange.
Orange is a carrot.
Orange is the colour
of the beak of a parrot.
Blue is the ocean.
Blue is the sky.
Blue are the blueberries
I put into the pie.
Green is grass,
String beans and peas.
Green are the branches
on Christmas trees.
Red is an apple.
Red is a cherry.
Red is a rose.
And a ripe strawberry.
Purple are grapes.
Purple are plums.
Purple is a violet.
And the bruise on my thumb.
Brown is mud,
Brown is toast,
Brown is chocolate,
And a Sunday roast.
("This Old Man")
Red, red, red, touch your head.
Blue, blue, blue, blue, tie your shoe.
Brown, brown, brown, brown, touch the ground.
White, white, white, white, take a bite.
Black, black, black, touch your back.
Purple, purple, draw a circle.
Pink, pink, pink, pink, give a wink.
Gray, gray, gray, gray, shout hurray!
(Jaakko kulta)
Children with (red shirts/blue pants/etc.),
Children with (red shirts/blue pants/etc.),
Please stand up, please stand up.
Clap your hands and turn around,
Clap your hands and turn around,
Then sit down, then sit down.